Summer 2018 Gaudino Newsletter

In this edition, we review some highlights of the past three years, documenting the continued reverberations of Robert Gaudino’s innovative teaching at Williams.

Sustaining the Gaudino Legacy
A word from the board; Lois Banta reflects on her tenure as Gaudino Scholar; ‘He was a true mentor’

Collective Memories of Societal Trauma
Fleeing Soviet oppression; Estonian internships; Bearing witness to apartheid


Conversations about Conflict
The photography of Ben Brody; Of Men and War; The wisdom of Sophocles; Transgender, at War and in Love


Stewardship of Place and Culture
Cultural collisions; Environmental justice; Sustainable farming in California


Refugee Journeys
From Winter Study to senior thesis; ‘Uncertain Journeys; Refugee Kids; A Honduran odyssey; The sanctuary movement


Exploring Inner Lives
Consciousness bootcamp; Living Just One Life retreat; The ethical challenges of documentary film-making


Williams in the Mirror
Lining up for Served ; Point/Counterpoint; Human Library


Other Explorations
Over the past three years, the Gaudino Fund has sponsored an array of lectures, conferences, trips and performances